HSHS 34 Martinsburg 3

Belated congratulations to HS in the two statement wins! Amazing last few years! I expect they will handle CF by 6 or so touchdowns - can’t get a gauge on them but I don’t think they are as good as usual despite losing a close one to Stone Bridge, even if they were as good, not getting close to HS I would think.
Pump the brakes! I don’t see a 6 touchdown win over colonial forge. I would think they are on the same level with Martinsburg judging by their results thus far. I’m just hoping for good weather because I would hate to play any game like this in the rain. 80% chance of rain last checked. I’ll take 34-7
He's going to face a defense like he hasn't seen yet, for sure!
Stonebridge held him to 23 yards. CF will undoubtedly face the best offense AND defense they’ve seen all year. The biggest question will be the weather. I have confirmation the game WILL NOT be moved from Friday night. Does CF have a grass or turf field? @540 Athletes do you know the answer to that?
Stonebridge held him to 23 yards. CF will undoubtedly face the best offense AND defense they’ve seen all year. The biggest question will be the weather. I have confirmation the game WILL NOT be moved from Friday night. Does CF have a grass or turf field? @540 Athletes do you know the answer to that?
It's turf. Brand new. This will be the first game on it.
It's turf. Brand new. This will be the first game on it.
Excellent. With the impending rain,the turf field shouldn’t turn to a dangerous mess. Plus,the turf field makes fast teams even faster without the worry of injuries from the old “turf” or slippery grass. Thank you