PM is in trouble

That guy is a piece of work ! He might could learnt a thing or two from his father-inlaw !
aint shore butt dont no if he got much education ! right tim !!!!!
1st off, my father in law don't know nothing about football. He is more into tree huggin.
2nd: From my view, the downturn of this thread started from the top and then got expanded on with Boom's life lessons and indication that quitting is sometimes best for everyone. I'd take a different approach, but obviously my dumb opinion won't matter.
3rd: Boom, have a good season. Have fun analysing a team that will be playing basketball soon enough.

PM football will never be what it was and that is not the fault of any of the people there now. The town is shut down, so those left will just have to forge ahead best they can.

I am gonna go figure out if I am a Bruce or a Kaitlyn.
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Another PM senior quit today is what I'm being told from someone within the school system. He was a 3 year starter on the line. What in the world is going on here folks?
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Moat of the time that is the case but in this instance this player has been on varsity since 9th grade and is one of if not the best offensive lineman they have. I don't know the kid personally but I have insight on this. (It goes back to the coaching problem). This might not be true but it's what I have been told by a pretty reliable source.
Moat of the time that is the case but in this instance this player has been on varsity since 9th grade and is one of if not the best offensive lineman they have. I don't know the kid personally but I have insight on this. (It goes back to the coaching problem). This might not be true but it's what I have been told by a pretty reliable source.

I dont agree with talking bad about kids in any situation. But I have to ask the question, if you don't know the kid, how can you have insight or know what type of character he/she has? That doesn't make sense. I hope its a bad rumor and the kid didn't quit
Well there's a difference in knowing who someone is a knowing someone. I go to a lot of the game I know who the kid is I do not know him personally. I have very good insight its a small town everyone knows every one in one way or another. I was told the kid quit ok? If you don't like what I say or how I say it then you are welcome to leave.
The post and actions from SOME of PM's fans is nothing but "typical".

The way I've seen it (watched them play once), is that they don't have the talent they did from a year ago. They so bad want to be the team from last year, but they aren't, they just don't have the athletes. That is perfectly fine. What has happened is that kids on this year's team just aren't as good, but their parents believe they are, so who is to blame? You guessed it, the Coach.

I say this is typical because modern parents can never blame Jimmy and Joey, they aren't bad players, I mean I've watched them from the time they were 6 in Sandlot ball! They are awesome! Some coaches have different ways of coaching (yelling, cussing, etc..) but why is it that every time on this site that a school doesn't live up to expectations it's the coaches fault? Stop with that.

I am a "millennial", I think it's funny when 40+ year old people state, "your generation is soft." They do have a point, to an extent. But....they aren't free from blame. They are the ones telling their kids how great they are and when something isn't going the way they expected, then it can't be your fault. That's why you have kids act this way. You created this monster.

Stop deflecting blame.
Come together as a team.
Find your identity.
Build chemistry.
And for the love of God, stop complaining.

And don't forget to WORK!!!!!!
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Well there's a difference in knowing who someone is a knowing someone. I go to a lot of the game I know who the kid is I do not know him personally. I have very good insight its a small town everyone knows every one in one way or another. I was told the kid quit ok? If you don't like what I say or how I say it then you are welcome to leave.

Well 1, I have been here A LOT longer than you, with a good reputation so I wouldn't be the problem, you would. The first thing you did when posting on the site was to talk bad about kids, and say all the coaches should lose their jobs. But this isn't even about that.

I asked a question. Because there is a difference in knowing someone and making assumptions. If you don't know someone personally, then it doesn't matter how small a place is, or how many games you have been to, you cannot know their situation. And NOWHERE in my post did I say you were wrong about someone quitting or call you a liar. You see i would like to see ALL kids do well in sports and life, whether it be from Stuarts Draft, Buena Vista, or Los Angeles. So like I said before, I HOPE it is a rumor, but it very well may not be. Good luck to ALL teams and ALL kids this week and rest of season, God Bless