Reading between the lines...

You're cherry picking yourself, and assuming. MSM has been saying what you just said about worldwide age groups for months, especially when they bring the experts like Fauci on. They posted that info about FL, TX, and AZ because those stats were just released after their cases have started shooting up. And MSNBC's source was the CDC. Governor DeSantis is giving an update right now. 8,530 new cases in FL today.
What did I cherry pick? I actually proved what you posted was correct. However, there was more to the story than just those statistics, so I gave the same and more data from the CDC. Data that wasn't presented by the news. If anything, I gave the whole tree. Don't know what I was cherry picking.

For people who always hate the MSM and claim they're all like Fox and push their own agendas, just stick with sources like the AP and C-SPAN. You can't get more neutral than them. C-SPAN shows daily how childish our government is on all sides, how they think they are theatrical actors, and why nothing ever gets done.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I was watching an interview today with Hawk Newsome (BLM Leader in New York) and the things he said were 100% correct imho. Blacks do not trust Democrats or Republicans who are in charge of the US Government because all they do is make empty promises and argue, and NOTHING of any substance ever gets done. I wanted to reach through the television and grab him and say "It's not just Blacks who are saying and thinking that!!" Lots of folks have been saying it for years, but because we as a society have grown fat, lazy, and complacent and have allowed this to happen. Career politicians in the 2 major parties don't give a rat's patootie about their constituents, they are only interested in lining their pockets and keeping the status quo. Telling us how we should be living, while doing the exact opposite.
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Also, the Sopes article says that people with preexisting conditions may face health issues with prolonged use of masks and "people wearing surgical or cloth masks are in little to no danger of breathin in unhealthy amounts of carbon dioxide." The term "little to no" does not completely rule it out. Since this is a sports forum. When ESPN talks about teams that have little or slim chances of making the playoffs, they still show them in the hunt because, even slim, it could still happen.
Career politicians in the 2 major parties don't give a rat's patootie about their constituents, they are only interested in lining their pockets and keeping the status quo. Telling us how we should be living, while doing the exact opposite.
Which is exactly why Congress needs term limits. Four 2-year terms in the House, two 6-year terms in the Senate is plenty. McConnell has been doing absolutely nothing for Kentucky or the US since 1984.
Welp, that’s gonna make it harder to understand if a person is talking about that or just being an ass. Right now, if someone says “China flu”, I know they’re just being an ass. But this is an actual Chinese flu. Hope there’s a style guide that’s coming out to help explain how to be a jerk about coronavirus without causing confusion.
Just a daily reminder..

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses while not practicing social distancing or wearing masks? 100% approved by the health community, media and democrats, including King Northam the Panderer.

Spending a day at the beach or park with your family or enjoying sports? "OMG Guise, you want to kill grandma".

Hows that death rate looking.
I know the pandemic is critical and in some states a spike in cases but do I have to hear about it non stop in the news casts ad nausem??
Just a daily reminder..

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses while not practicing social distancing or wearing masks? 100% approved by the health community, media and democrats, including King Northam the Panderer.

Spending a day at the beach or park with your family or enjoying sports? "OMG Guise, you want to kill grandma".

Hows that death rate looking.
Show me where the health care community approved this ? People are looting for good reason, if a stand is not taken racism and racist must be identified. Now stupid is having a political rally for votes and jeopardizing peoples lives for your narcissistic ego.
Show me where the health care community approved this ? People are looting for good reason, if a stand is not taken racism and racist must be identified. Now stupid is having a political rally for votes and jeopardizing peoples lives for your narcissistic ego.
Looting and destroying other people’s property (buildings, cars, etc.) is thug behavior and there’s no way to justify it. None! I’m a black man who does not agree with those statues, but I worked hard as hell to get places in life (as well as a lot of POC I know) and that itself is a bigger win than taking those statues down. My life matters a whole hell of a lot more than what a statue is suppose to represent. I am those generals’ worst nightmare. If it was left up to me, Monument Avenue would be a place where REAL VIRGINIA heroes’ statues would be. Frank Beamer, Douglas Wilder, Mark Warner, hell Allen Iverson!!! There are more ways to win this battle and destroying people’s neighborhoods and livelihoods AIN’T IT. Though most of the looting and destruction downtown is not being done by black people, people still blame us for it. The looting and destruction is uncalled for!!!!!
Looting and destroying other people’s property (buildings, cars, etc.) is thug behavior and there’s no way to justify it. None! I’m a black man who does not agree with those statues, but I worked hard as hell to get places in life (as well as a lot of POC I know) and that itself is a bigger win than taking those statues down. My life matters a whole hell of a lot more than what a statue is suppose to represent. I am those generals’ worst nightmare. If it was left up to me, Monument Avenue would be a place where REAL VIRGINIA heroes’ statues would be. Frank Beamer, Douglas Wilder, Mark Warner, hell Allen Iverson!!! There are more ways to win this battle and destroying people’s neighborhoods and livelihoods AIN’T IT. Though most of the looting and destruction downtown is not being done by black people, people still blame us for it. The looting and destruction is uncalled for!!!!!

Well said sir.

And you're right, and I've pointed this out multiple times now, it's a bunch of little punk white kids doing 90% or more of the looting and destroying. Little socialist/commie punks that they are.

And personally, I say leave the statues up, but add more statues around them of all the heroes Virginia has had over the years. Plenty of black people to have statues for that get overlooked. Augment the history of Virginia, dont destroy it :)
Show me where the health care community approved this ? People are looting for good reason, if a stand is not taken racism and racist must be identified. Now stupid is having a political rally for votes and jeopardizing peoples lives for your narcissistic ego.

Yet again, this blows the whole mask mandate/social distancing argument to dirt. You're either "concerned" about people's health or you're not. You cannot sit there and act like the world is ending because people want to go to their places of worship, or go to the local parks, or go to sporting events, and then turn around and cheer loudly in support of looting and rioting. There is no in between. Thanks for playing.
I know the pandemic is critical and in some states a spike in cases but do I have to hear about it non stop in the news casts ad nausem??

Yes. You must. That is the narrative being pushed. And it will continue until the election in November.
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Looting and destroying other people’s property (buildings, cars, etc.) is thug behavior and there’s no way to justify it. None! I’m a black man who does not agree with those statues, but I worked hard as hell to get places in life (as well as a lot of POC I know) and that itself is a bigger win than taking those statues down. My life matters a whole hell of a lot more than what a statue is suppose to represent. I am those generals’ worst nightmare. If it was left up to me, Monument Avenue would be a place where REAL VIRGINIA heroes’ statues would be. Frank Beamer, Douglas Wilder, Mark Warner, hell Allen Iverson!!! There are more ways to win this battle and destroying people’s neighborhoods and livelihoods AIN’T IT. Though most of the looting and destruction downtown is not being done by black people, people still blame us for it. The looting and destruction is uncalled for!!!!!
Also instead of defunding the police, we need to be advocates for officers to endure more mental health training and multi cultural training. Also all police officers should either graduate from a 4 year university, military academy or serve in the armed forces. All professions will have racists in it. Unfortunately, police work stands out more because lives are lost. That whole Elijah McCain story just hurts my heart more and more each day. That department was the same one who took the movie theater shooter in alive. Racism, sexism and classism will unfortunately always haunt us. I wish it wasn’t this way but looting, destroying and antagonizing is dividing more than actually doing good,
Well said sir.

And you're right, and I've pointed this out multiple times now, it's a bunch of little punk white kids doing 90% or more of the looting and destroying. Little socialist/commie punks that they are.

And personally, I say leave the statues up, but add more statues around them of all the heroes Virginia has had over the years. Plenty of black people to have statues for that get overlooked. Augment the history of Virginia, dont destroy it :)
My thing is, those people spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to live on Monument Ave. They are suing the city for taking the statues down. Who I am to go into someone’s community and demand them to do anything? As you’ve pointed out, those statues represent history, love it or hate it. I don’t live over there nor do I travel that route to go home nor do 98% of the people protesting the statues be removed. Same goes with people removing other people’s confederate flags. One thing about America is we have a right for free speech. If you don’t like me because I’m black (AS LONG AS YOU’RE NOT AFFECTING MY MEANS or harming me in any way), you have that right to state that without it being a hate crime or discrimination. I’m from the last capital of the confederacy. Some of the people who wave the confederate flag around, are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They’d give me the shirt off their back. I’ve learned to take people case by case and not group everyone out of a group together.
My thing is, those people spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to live on Monument Ave. They are suing the city for taking the statues down. Who I am to go into someone’s community and demand them to do anything? As you’ve pointed out, those statues represent history, love it or hate it. I don’t live over there nor do I travel that route to go home nor do 98% of the people protesting the statues be removed. Same goes with people removing other people’s confederate flags. One thing about America is we have a right for free speech. If you don’t like me because I’m black (AS LONG AS YOU’RE NOT AFFECTING MY MEANS or harming me in any way), you have that right to state that without it being a hate crime or discrimination. I’m from the last capital of the confederacy. Some of the people who wave the confederate flag around, are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They’d give me the shirt off their back. I’ve learned to take people case by case and not group everyone out of a group together.

I feel the same way man. Free speech is absolutely vital to our society and losing that is something that scares the crap out of me. And once that goes, so does the 2nd amendment.. (I dont even own a gun btw lefties, but I do believe that is right that everyone should have). My thing with these statues is, history is not meant to be flowery. It's not meant to be beautiful and heartwarming. It's meant as a sobering reminder of what mountains and valleys ALL of our ancestors had to go through to get us to our present day. Destroying them is only causing division and instead of tearing them down, like I say there are plenty of black people whose stories have been lost through time who contributed to Richmond and to the state of Virginia and to this nation. So much could be done...but instead "hey, lets just tear everything down!". I mean, for goodness sakes they're destroying statues of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln! And the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. A bunch of stupid little white punks who've been raised to believe in socialism smh.
And I dont want the point of my original post to be lost as I already see the extremists (the Three Stooges + One and some) will, and have, taken it to the absolute, most ridiculous conclusions they can conjure up as I've brought this point up over the last few days..

I think what happened to George Floyd is awful and I want his killer to feel the weight of justice. But my point is.. we've been locked down for months. People have been blocked from opening their businesses. Cant go to the beach. Cant go to the parks. Cant get your hair cut or go to the theatre. People got tossed in jail in some instances for breaking these rules. Heck, we've lost our spring/summer sports over this. We're about to lose our football over this.. All in the name of "safety".

Explain to me.. How in the world, can these same people who have told us over and over and over to "wear the 'f'ing masks" turn around and justify what has happened with these riots and the the looting over the last month??? And yet, somehow they find a way to justify it in their heads. Mayors, governors, media, Hollywood, CDC, WHO, UN, every leftist out there...they've all cheered it on. There is something about that that should disturb everyone.
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Want to try something fun? Some people may have already tried this but I want others to see it as well, special thanks to former RB Larry Johnson for this one...

Go to google. Type in any 3 digit number followed by "New Cases". See what comes up? Try a different 3 digit number. Try another one. And another one. Coincidence? Probability theory? You be the judge of that.
Just sharing a post from social media from a trustworthy source not tied to any political party affiliation.

Robb Wolf


Am I missing something here?

We are doing a massive amount of testing (compared to previously), identified cases are increasing (no surprise...we are testing more) yet deaths are largely flat-lined. AND that's in a world in which i suspect if Jeffrey Epstein died, "alone in his cell" it'd be categorized as a COVID19 death. What am I missing?
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Show me where the health care community approved this ? People are looting for good reason, if a stand is not taken racism and racist must be identified. Now stupid is having a political rally for votes and jeopardizing peoples lives for your narcissistic ego.
There is no good reason for criminal behavior, no matter what your cause is. Grow up.
I feel the same way man. Free speech is absolutely vital to our society and losing that is something that scares the crap out of me. And once that goes, so does the 2nd amendment.. (I dont even own a gun btw lefties, but I do believe that is right that everyone should have). My thing with these statues is, history is not meant to be flowery. It's not meant to be beautiful and heartwarming. It's meant as a sobering reminder of what mountains and valleys ALL of our ancestors had to go through to get us to our present day. Destroying them is only causing division and instead of tearing them down, like I say there are plenty of black people whose stories have been lost through time who contributed to Richmond and to the state of Virginia and to this nation. So much could be done...but instead "hey, lets just tear everything down!". I mean, for goodness sakes they're destroying statues of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln! And the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. A bunch of stupid little white punks who've been raised to believe in socialism smh.
The saddest thing about free speech is some have conditioned themselves that if this person doesn’t agree with me or believe the same thing as me, let’s condemn them. Prime example is Drew Brees. This guy doesn’t have a bad guy bone in his body and has given money to many underprivileged minority groups in New Orleans but just because he has a different viewpoint for one little thing, he’s scrutinized. America is a free country. You have that right to kneel as you have that right to stand tall with your right hand over your heart. Love it or hate it! The other day I was reading and saw the people who live on Monument Ave were supporting the BLM movement and was speaking on the events that has transpired. Those citizens were in full support. 3 days later, there was concern that protesters were out at 3 am or later and it attracted a lot of noise. Also there are children in the neighborhood and the f bomb is written everywhere, guns are out and if the right instigator comes through, there is always a threat for violence. Those same people who were in support were met with “move then” or “LOL, too bad” or “get used to it”. How can you ask for respect or your voice to be heard if you neglect others? This is the world that we live in. It’s so much hatred in the world today and not nearly enough love and respect for your brothers and sisters. I
There is no good reason for criminal behavior, no matter what your cause is. Grow up.
Round Two is a sneaker shop in Downtown RVA that has always showed love to the black community was totally destroyed and looted last month. This place was a buy and trade sneaker store. Had probably 2 thousand plus styles and sizes of Jordan’s, Nike, & Adidas. Now what made this place so special to me was every back to school time of year, Christmas time and throughout the year (randomly), they’d have specials where underprivileged kids could come in and get practically brand new Jordan’s or Nike’s from $25 to $70. I mean these are the same shoes that we as adults pay $200-$500 for brand new! They’d run those same deals for all of their kicks to show love to the community. Tell me why Round Two and RVA’s oldest black owned jewelry place were totally destroyed???? You’re mad at the police for killing a black man, so you take it out by destroying a black owned business and a place that constantly looks out for black people and is a staple in our community? Come on man! I’m not buying it!!!
Round Two is a sneaker shop in Downtown RVA that has always showed love to the black community was totally destroyed and looted last month. This place was a buy and trade sneaker store. Had probably 2 thousand plus styles and sizes of Jordan’s, Nike, & Adidas. Now what made this place so special to me was every back to school time of year, Christmas time and throughout the year (randomly), they’d have specials where underprivileged kids could come in and get practically brand new Jordan’s or Nike’s from $25 to $70. I mean these are the same shoes that we as adults pay $200-$500 for brand new! They’d run those same deals for all of their kicks to show love to the community. Tell me why Round Two and RVA’s oldest black owned jewelry place were totally destroyed???? You’re mad at the police for killing a black man, so you take it out by destroying a black owned business and a place that constantly looks out for black people and is a staple in our community? Come on man! I’m not buying it!!!
I really don't believe that the majority of the protesters involved with BLM or the George Floyd murder protests are doing the looting or participating in any sort of criminal activity whatsoever. The folks that are causing problems are professional protesters and losers who will take advantage of any unrest "So I can get mine". It would really be nice if the peaceful protesters would grab a hold of the bad actors and beat the living tar out of them in the street. That's a video I would love to see. I support the police, I support the BLM movement, and I know there are bad apples in any organization, but that organization needs to weed them out and deal with them. If they don't, let them fail, or vote them out. Defunding the police is NOT the answer. I do recall hearing of a business owner somewhere standing outside his business with his weapon in hand and ready to protect it. He was left alone. That's what is going to have to happen if a business wants to protect itself from all the looting and violence. A show of force against the criminal element will usually shut it down.
I really don't believe that the majority of the protesters involved with BLM or the George Floyd murder protests are doing the looting or participating in any sort of criminal activity whatsoever. The folks that are causing problems are professional protesters and losers who will take advantage of any unrest "So I can get mine". It would really be nice if the peaceful protesters would grab a hold of the bad actors and beat the living tar out of them in the street. That's a video I would love to see. I support the police, I support the BLM movement, and I know there are bad apples in any organization, but that organization needs to weed them out and deal with them. If they don't, let them fail, or vote them out. Defunding the police is NOT the answer. I do recall hearing of a business owner somewhere standing outside his business with his weapon in hand and ready to protect it. He was left alone. That's what is going to have to happen if a business wants to protect itself from all the looting and violence. A show of force against the criminal element will usually shut it down.
I agree but WE, black people, were the ones looting these places! I’ve seen the pics and video!!!! They were making jokes on Twitter saying that we, black people, were taking back what was ours. Claimed that Round Two has profited off of our culture.. SMH!!!! Totally wrong wrong wrong and more wrong!!!!!!!! You are 100% correct about the business doing that. The looters watched the man/woman leave at like 2am and then broke into their store. SMH!!!!
I agree but WE, black people, were the ones looting these places! I’ve seen the pics and video!!!! They were making jokes on Twitter saying that we, black people, were taking back what was ours. Claimed that Round Two has profited off of our culture.. SMH!!!! Totally wrong wrong wrong and more wrong!!!!!!!! You are 100% correct about the business doing that. The looters watched the man/woman leave at like 2am and then broke into their store. SMH!!!!
Don't associate yourself with bums like that. Criminals, no matter their skin color or any other distinction one can muster up, should never be included by anyone other than other criminals. It's high time people realized that skin color has NOTHING to do with crime. Skin color is something you cannot control. Actions are what you can control. And if you can't control your actions, you deserve exactly what you get.
Don't associate yourself with bums like that. Criminals, no matter their skin color or any other distinction one can muster up, should never be included by anyone other than other criminals. It's high time people realized that skin color has NOTHING to do with crime. Skin color is something you cannot control. Actions are what you can control. And if you can't control your actions, you deserve exactly what you get.
Yes sir, you are absolutely right. My dad would tell me the same thing so I appreciate that.
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And now the psycho leftist-socialists have turned their attention to Mt. Rushmore. They want to tear that down now smh.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
How do y’all feel about Nike and Fed Ex pressuring the Skins to change their name? What a time!
How do y’all feel about Nike and Fed Ex pressuring the Skins to change their name? What a time!

I ask the question, where does this end? It started as justified outrage against a case of police brutality.

But so far we've seen destruction of businesses, destruction of statues, changes to the names of products, calls by certain people on the fringe for the destruction of churches, "autonomous zones", and now this.

So what happens when the folks behind all of this cancel culture stuff get everything they want above..and then their life doesn't change a bit? What will they go after next?
I ask the question, where does this end? It started as justified outrage against a case of police brutality.

But so far we've seen destruction of businesses, destruction of statues, changes to the names of products, calls by certain people on the fringe for the destruction of churches, "autonomous zones", and now this.

So what happens when the folks behind all of this cancel culture stuff get everything they want above..and then their life doesn't change a bit? What will they go after next?
That’s thing, nothing is going to change, can’t wear t shirts, can’t eat syrup, can’t root for the Redskins, cause if ya do, your racists smh sad state of the world right now
That’s thing, nothing is going to change, can’t wear t shirts, can’t eat syrup, can’t root for the Redskins, cause if ya do, your racists smh sad state of the world right now
Sports has always been an outlet from politics but not anymore. I often wish I grew up in the 70s/80s. Times are just crazy now.
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Sports has always been an outlet from politics but not anymore. I often wish I grew up in the 70s/80s. Times are just crazy now.

This. Politics have creeped into sports for years now. Just look at what really kickstarted the whole shutdown of everything back in March..the NBA suspending their season. Thats when everyone started freaking out.

Along with that you have the more recent Kaepernick thing. But, go back further and you have what I termed at the time the "faux-patriotism" spiel that the NFL pulled for years after 9/11. Heck, I remember when they were jumping up and down with joy because 9/11 fell on opening day in 2011. I rolled my eyes.

The reality is, all of these moves that the big companies make are for marketing purposes. Will changing the name of the Redskins prove profitable? Sure, if a fan is not disgusted enough to walk away then they'll have to go out and buy all new apparel because you can rest assured it will not be long before Redskins apparel is banned 100% from the stadium. Of course, Dan might just hold out and say no considering he paid for that team name and logo when he bought the team 20 some years ago. Maybe a city that isnt so insanely leftist will welcome them with open arms until this whole thing blows over in a year or two.

It also annoys me to no end when we're told to "keep politics out of it" when it comes to sports discussions anymore. You cant!
Modern democrats pander to all kinds of oppressed people, and don't really do anything. Modern republicans pander to former dixiecrats, and don't do anything.

Both sides of the same coin. One side is just a little less racist on the surface.

The peaceful protests, along with the police brutality, along with the horrible rioting and looting, are all just the result of centuries of systematic racism and "de jure" segregation.

I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when there are no more political parties, police departments and police unions are de-funded AND reformed (no police department needs tanks and grenade launchers), and de jure segregation, gentrification, and redlining have ended. That means we are finally moving forward as a nation.

From 1979, or should I say 2020 (warning, language):

Wearing masks during a pandemic isn't political, though. It's science.

The end.
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Modern democrats pander to all kinds of oppressed people, and don't really do anything. Modern republicans pander to former dixiecrats, and don't do anything.

Both sides of the same coin. One side is just a little less racist on the surface.

The peaceful protests, along with the police brutality, along with the horrible rioting and looting, are all just the result of centuries of systematic racism and "de jure" segregation.

I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when there are no more political parties, police departments and police unions are de-funded AND reformed (no police department needs tanks and grenade launchers), and de jure segregation, gentrification, and redlining have ended. That means we are finally moving forward as a nation.

Wearing masks during a pandemic isn't political, though. It's science.

The end.

You're going to be sleeping for a long time waiting on your socialist utopia. Goodnight Rip Van Winkle.
Some socialism is bad (like welfare), not all. Educate yourself.
