Reading between the lines...

Wearing masks during a pandemic isn't political, though. It's science.

The end.

Masks for hard working Americans? Mandatory.
No masks or social distancing for looters and rioters? 100% Encouraged!

In Lincoln County, Oregon:
Masks for white people? 100 % NECESSARY!
Masks for minorities? 100% NOT necessary

Yea Loonynation540, the masks are political.

Sweet dreams little guy.
Most actual protestors have been wearing masks. Most rioters/looters have been wearing masks, for hiding their identities, if nothing else. Post proof of otherwise, no Photoshops.

One county. Out of 3,143 counties in the United States. But keep your small mind, cherry picking like every county is doing that, to fit your right wing extremist narrative. One. County.

"The crazy radical leftists are destroying and taking over Seattle!!!!!!!!111!!" Seattle is 84 square miles. The CHAZ zone was six whole blocks. More ignorant propaganda ignoring police brutality and minimizing reform, which would benefit EVERYBODY.

Still name calling like a 3rd grader. But you call me looney, while I've given up on calling you stupid.

You'll be first in line crying when they try to cut your socialist social security, or your socialist Medicaid. But our president committing treason? While capitulating to Master Putin? Oh that's just fine.
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Most actual protestors have been wearing masks. Most rioters/looters have been wearing masks, for hiding their identities, if nothing else. Post proof of otherwise, no Photoshops.

One county. Out of 3,143 counties in the United States. But keep your small mind, cherry picking like every county is doing that, to fit your right wing extremist narrative. One. County.

"The crazy radical leftists are destroying and taking over Seattle!!!!!!!!111!!" Seattle is 84 square miles. The CHAZ zone was six whole blocks. More ignorant propaganda ignoring police brutality and minimizing reform, which would benefit EVERYBODY.

Still name calling like a 3rd grader. But you call me looney, while I've given up on calling you stupid.

You'll be first in line crying when they try to cut your socialist social security, or your socialist Medicaid. But our president committing treason? While capitulating to Master Putin? Oh that's just fine.

Such an angry little socialist lol. Run along now. The rest of us have been having great in-depth conversations while you've been away. It's been pleasant. Lets allow that to continue.

And just a quick reminder for everyone..

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses while not practicing social distancing or wearing masks? 100% approved by the health community, media and democrats, including King Northam the Panderer.

Enjoying the 4th of July with your family? Going to the park? Going to your place of worship this weekend? "OMG guise, you want to kill Grandma".
This is from June 10:


From July 3, holding steady:


But yeah, let's keep attacking Northam, who was also a doctor, over a medical issue. Attack him on plenty of other things, it's well deserved, but Virginia is one of the safest states right now for a reason, while states with your mentality are reporting apocalyptic scenes in hospitals right now. Just go ahead and move to Texas or Arizona, so you'll have less to complain about, and a higher chance of wearing a ventilator instead of a gosh darned mask.

By the way, projecting your toddler tantrums onto me won't work, but keep trying.

And keep being ignorant about socialism. Guess what is bailing out the businesses destroyed from rioting? Socialism. :confused:
Name-calling random people is a sign of dementia. You might want to get that checked.
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This is from June 10:


But yeah, let's keep attacking Northam, who was also a doctor, over a medical issue. Attack him on plenty of other things, it's well deserved, but Virginia is one of the safest states right now for a reason, while states with your mentality are reporting apocalyptic scenes in hospitals right now. Just go ahead and move to Texas or Arizona, so you'll have less to complain about, and a higher chance of wearing a ventilator instead of a gosh darned mask.

By the way, projecting your toddler tantrums onto me won't work, but keep trying.

And keep being ignorant about socialism. Guess what is bailing out the businesses destroyed from rioting? Socialism. :confused:
If every state used the same criteria for counting cases, that map might mean something.
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This is from June 10:

But yeah, let's keep attacking Northam, who was also a doctor, over a medical issue. Attack him on plenty of other things, it's well deserved, but Virginia is one of the safest states right now for a reason, while states with your mentality are reporting apocalyptic scenes in hospitals right now. Just go ahead and move to Texas or Arizona, so you'll have less to complain about, and a higher chance of wearing a ventilator instead of a gosh darned mask.

<Yawwwn> I live in the "hardest hit" area of Virginia. I've yet to meet anyone who has it or meet anyone who knows someone who has had it. I'll take my chances, here or anywhere else I damn well please to visit. Still no mask either.

If every state used the same criteria for counting cases, that map might mean something.

And so convenient of him to post a graphic from June 10th, before any of the looters and rioters would have tested positive.

Regardless, I want to see that death rate.
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How do y’all feel about Nike and Fed Ex pressuring the Skins to change their name? What a time!
If Jack Kent Cooke were still around, I know what he'd say! But it's not polite conversation.:eek:
Personally, I think it's just politics. And by the way, I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and if you tried to pull any of this crap then, you'd be told to stfu and if you persisted you'd get your ass kicked properly.
If Jack Kent Cooke were still around, I know what he'd say! But it's not polite conversation.:eek:
Personally, I think it's just politics. And by the way, I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and if you tried to pull any of this crap then, you'd be told to stfu and if you persisted you'd get your ass kicked properly.
That’s what needs to be done today, just the right people to do it are scared, and that’s sad
Man you guys are pretty badass.
Nah. Just back in the day we just kicked each other's butts over something, then shook hands afterwards. It's not that way anymore. Nowadays, a human life is worth ending over a political difference or being "dissed". I'd rather be in a fair fistfight than a gunfight any day. Fistfights were just fun, no matter which side you were on. A badge of honor, if you will. Black eyes heal, broken bones get mended, teeth get fixed. But, a bullet or a knife is forever.
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We probably aren’t too different in age & I imagine our experiences with “fights” growing up were similar.
This is from June 10:


From July 3, holding steady:


But yeah, let's keep attacking Northam, who was also a doctor, over a medical issue. Attack him on plenty of other things, it's well deserved, but Virginia is one of the safest states right now for a reason, while states with your mentality are reporting apocalyptic scenes in hospitals right now. Just go ahead and move to Texas or Arizona, so you'll have less to complain about, and a higher chance of wearing a ventilator instead of a gosh darned mask.

By the way, projecting your toddler tantrums onto me won't work, but keep trying.

And keep being ignorant about socialism. Guess what is bailing out the businesses destroyed from rioting? Socialism. :confused:

This is from June 10:


From July 3, holding steady:


But yeah, let's keep attacking Northam, who was also a doctor, over a medical issue. Attack him on plenty of other things, it's well deserved, but Virginia is one of the safest states right now for a reason, while states with your mentality are reporting apocalyptic scenes in hospitals right now. Just go ahead and move to Texas or Arizona, so you'll have less to complain about, and a higher chance of wearing a ventilator instead of a gosh darned mask.

By the way, projecting your toddler tantrums onto me won't work, but keep trying.

And keep being ignorant about socialism. Guess what is bailing out the businesses destroyed from rioting? Socialism. :confused:
NY Times is your source? I keep telling you the media will not give you the full data, only cherry picked pieces to push their agenda, whatever it may be. Lets look at the CDC Data for cases as of today, July 4 2020: You can clearly see that VA is one of the states that has the HIGHEST number of Covid-19 cases to date. Over 64,000 so far. Pretty much the entire East Coast of the US and most of the rest of the coastal states have the highest rate of Coronavirus cases. The Northeast portion of the US has the highest number of deaths by the china virus. The number of deaths in Texas and Arizona are smaller in ratio to the number of cases than the number of deaths in Virginia in ratio to the number of cases too.

Socialism is welfare. Socialism is redistribution of wealth, but not for the political elite. The government should not be using my tax dollars to rebuild business destroyed by lawless thugs. Insurance is what that is for. Don't have it, tough noogies. The government should not be using my tax dollars to pay for some dimwitted whore to keep spreading her legs to every idiot on the street and then forcing me to pay for their mistakes. If you can't afford to feed em, don't breed em. Plain and simple. Our government was set up so it provides for the common defense, promotes the general welfare, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility. That's it. Anything else is socialism. I do not count on Social Security for my retirement, that's my responsibility. Socialism does not promote self-sufficiency. It promotes the welfare state. The welfare state entangles people caught in it's web, and they never get out, because there is no incentive to get out.
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@ClarkeFan83 you completely missed the point. I posted increase/decrease rates of cases over time, you posted total cases. And for now, Virginia is not seeing a dramatic increase or decrease in cases.

I literally said welfare is bad on page 6, glad you agree. But public schools and the military are also socialist programs.
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@ClarkeFan83 you completely missed the point. I posted increase/decrease rates of cases over time, you posted total cases. And for now, Virginia is not seeing a dramatic increase or decrease in cases.

I literally said welfare is bad on page 6, glad you agree. But public schools and the military are also socialist programs.
Again, we can agree to disagree, but you will NEVER EVER get me to believe that socialism is good. Margaret Thatcher once said, "Socialism is good, until you run out of other people's money".
Socialism is welfare. Socialism is redistribution of wealth, but not for the political elite. The government should not be using my tax dollars to rebuild business destroyed by lawless thugs. Insurance is what that is for. Don't have it, tough noogies. The government should not be using my tax dollars to pay for some dimwitted whore to keep spreading her legs to every idiot on the street and then forcing me to pay for their mistakes. If you can't afford to feed em, don't breed em. Plain and simple. Our government was set up so it provides for the common defense, promotes the general welfare, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility. That's it. Anything else is socialism. I do not count on Social Security for my retirement, that's my responsibility. Socialism does not promote self-sufficiency. It promotes the welfare state. The welfare state entangles people caught in it's web, and they never get out, because there is no incentive to get out.

It's weird how you post this but manage to ignore tax dollars being given to airlines and banks repeatedly to keep them afloat due to incompetent management and outright embezzlement. Now, I'm sure you're about to tell us all "I'm against that, too" but it's weird how you would have conveniently left that out and are yelling at women and poor people when government bailouts of businesses cost far, far more than things like funding for planned parenthood.
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Sat on our front porch yesterday afternoon and was treated to a very unexpected airshow flying right over our apartments towards DC. Nothing like looking up and seeing Air Force One flying right over top of you. Followed by a B17 Bomber being flanked by P51 Mustangs. It was so cool seeing the V22's flying over, they were barely operational when I was in the service. Most exciting part for me was when the A10 Warthogs and the Stealth Bomber flew over. Ended with the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flying over.

And nothing like ending the evening sitting on the roof of my workplace about 12 floors up watching the absolute most MEANINGFUL fireworks display I've ever had the honor of watching over DC. For as far as the eye could see people were letting off fireworks in the distance, both Maryland and DC.


The Marxist tactics are failing day by day.
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It's weird how you post this but manage to ignore tax dollars being given to airlines and banks repeatedly to keep them afloat due to incompetent management and outright embezzlement. Now, I'm sure you're about to tell us all "I'm against that, too" but it's weird how you would have conveniently left that out and are yelling at women and poor people when government bailouts of businesses cost far, far more than things like funding for planned parenthood.
And then he had to nerve to bring up running out of other people's money, when Congress has shown all year that they have TRILLIONS lying around to spend. No one can use that BS argument anymore. But as soon as the right loses power, they'll start kicking and screaming about "deficits" again, and the left will go with it.

Speaking of taxes, it looks like SCOTUS will release its decision on Trump's tax returns and loan docs tomorrow... maybe we'll soon find out why he's committing treason by allowing Russia to put bounties on American bodies (while his sheep ignore it and praise military flyovers), and why Putin is his master.
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Just remember, the handful of Sheep above celebrating the "virtues" of socialism/communism are the same Sheep who openly celebrated looting, rioting, and the destruction of businesses all the while demanding that YOU and I stay inside the last 4 months and "WEAR THE F'ING MASK". All of this is right out of the communist playbook.
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It's weird how you post this but manage to ignore tax dollars being given to airlines and banks repeatedly to keep them afloat due to incompetent management and outright embezzlement. Now, I'm sure you're about to tell us all "I'm against that, too" but it's weird how you would have conveniently left that out and are yelling at women and poor people when government bailouts of businesses cost far, far more than things like funding for planned parenthood.
I'm against all that too. But for me to go through the whole list of government waste of tax dollars would take a long time. So I'll just say what the government should provide (I could probably name a few more things but these stick out for me right now):
  1. Military Defense
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Laws that are enforced across the board, not selectively or with prejudice
  4. School choice
And then he had to nerve to bring up running out of other people's money, when Congress has shown all year that they have TRILLIONS lying around to spend. No one can use that BS argument anymore. But as soon as the right loses power, they'll start kicking and screaming about "deficits" again, and the left will go with it.

Speaking of taxes, it looks like SCOTUS will release its decision on Trump's tax returns and loan docs tomorrow... maybe we'll soon find out why he's committing treason by allowing Russia to put bounties on American bodies (while his sheep ignore it and praise military flyovers), and why Putin is his master.
Dunno why you think I support the Republicans over the Democrats. As far as I'm concerned, both parties have gone putrid and are rotten for this country. When both parties attack a third, you know they are afraid for themselves, not their constituents.
@mmqp your mind is so little that you already forgot that it has been discussed in this thread already? Conclusion: it's higher than the regular flu and higher than H1N1.

By the way, I love my people.

Now I'm gonna let you keep showing that you have zero empathy and humanity, and that you support treason. Keep posting bait, it won't work. Be smart, protect your family. We don't want you catching COVID and saying, "you told me so". You're probably in the age group or have co-morbities that make you high risk for death, so we don't want your son growing up without a father. Although, as evil as you keep showing that you are, it might be a good thing for him. Take care.
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@mmqp your mind is so little that you already forgot that it has been discussed in this thread already? Conclusion: it's higher than the regular flu and higher than H1N1.

By the way, I love my people.

Now I'm gonna let you keep showing that you have zero empathy and humanity, and that you support treason. Keep posting bait, it won't work. Take care.

LOL! Who on here has complained in the least about that gathering yesterday? Certainly not me. But I do remember you crying like the little b*tch that you are about the VERY PEACEFUL rally at the Michigan State Capitol.

I question how much you love "your people", considering you have 100% supported the looting and rioting of black owned businesses along with the death of folks like David Dorn who was murdered over a TV.

Also... are they staying at least six feet apart???
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Now I'm gonna let you keep showing that you have zero empathy and humanity, and that you support treason. Keep posting bait, it won't work. Be smart, protect your family. We don't want you catching COVID and saying, "you told me so". You're probably in the age group or have co-morbities that make you high risk for death, so we don't want your son growing up without a father. Although, as evil as you keep showing that you are, it might be a good thing for him. Take care.[/QUOTE]

And there you go, editing your post after it's been dissected like a little b*tch again.

I'll be fine, thanks for the concern. See, I'm an adult. I understand that each time I walk out that front door I could die of one thing or another. Thats called LIFE.

You just focus on not coughing on your poor sick mother, okay? I'd hate for you to lose her and then not have anywhere to live.
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I’ll say this before I take a VA Preps hiatus. I know some people of color probably hasn’t agreed with some of the things I’ve said in this thread but it’s all good because at the end of the day we can have different opinions and that doesn’t make me or you any less. Our fight isn’t any different. I love our people, I love all people, but I love to see brotha’s and sista’s prosper because in some instances, we are behind in a lot of ways. My thing is, I see protesting for racism which is all good, but aren't we OUTRAGED by some other things taking place right in our community? Below I’ve posted some of the sickest stories involving black killings in RVA that I’ve been keeping close eyes on. Some of these have happened in the past 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a peep SMH.. It’s hard to get on the BLM wave when stuff like this happens and none of own kind breaths it nor fights for justice. I could post over 20 incidents like this in small town Danville alone over the past 4 years. LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHICAGO or the 11 year old baby who was MURDERED watching fireworks in DC over the weekend SMH....Just trying to have a healthy conversation and explain my backing on some of my comments on here. Black lives just doesn’t matter when a white officer is responsible for a death of a POC..BLACK LIVES MATTER 100% of the time as WHITE LIVES, HISPANIC LIVES, ETC. It’s tough when you try to support the cause and because you have a different opinion you’re called an Uncle Tom, told you’re not woke, or my favorite.. Black on black killings isn’t a thing. But at the end of the day it is. POC aren’t killing each other because of their skin color, but they are still killing one another. I’m tired of all of the senseless killings.
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I’ll say this before I take a VA Preps hiatus. I know some people of color probably hasn’t agreed with some of the things I’ve said in this thread but it’s all good because at the end of the day we can have different opinions and that doesn’t make me or you any less. Our fight isn’t any different. I love our people, I love all people, but I love to see brotha’s and sista’s prosper because in some instances, we are behind in a lot of ways. My thing is, I see protesting for racism which is all good, but aren't we OUTRAGED by some other things taking place right in our community? Below I’ve posted some of the sickest stories involving black killings in RVA that I’ve been keeping close eyes on. Some of these have happened in the past 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a peep SMH.. It’s hard to get on the BLM wave when stuff like this happens and none of own kind breaths it nor fights for justice. I could post over 20 incidents like this off of in small town Danville alone over the past 4 years. LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHICAGO or the 11 year old baby who was shot watching fireworks in DC over the weekend SMH....Just trying to have a healthy conversation and explain my backing on some of my comments on here. Black lives just doesn’t matter when a white officer is responsible for a death of a POC..BLACK LIVES MATTER 100% of the time as WHITE LIVES, HISPANIC LIVES, ETC. It’s tough when you try to support the cause and because you have a different opinion you’re called an Uncle Tom, told you’re not woke, or my favorite.. Black on black killings isn’t a thing. But at the end of the day it is. POC aren’t not killing each other because of their skin color, but they are still killing one another. I’m tired of all of the senseless killings.

Take care. Enjoy your vacation away from the boards. Lets hope for happier times in the very near future.
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Take care. Enjoy your vacation away from the boards. Lets hope for happier times in the very near future.
You as well brother. One love! Hopefully we have some good news involving high school sports soon!
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Appreciate this. I’ve been looking for a summer reading. Going on Amazon to purchase now!
It perfectly explains everything that has led to what's happening today, why hoods in places like Chicago are in such terrible shape, and debunks every "whataboutism" racists use to justify their racism, like black on black crime. It's very eye opening, and mostly caused by federal government laws, which then turns around and says the states and mayors have to fix the problems. Just a never-ending, sad tug-of-war that gets simplified to "red states vs. blue states" nonsense today, when it's much bigger than that.
Great dialogue but lets list all the atrocities from 1619 -2020 committed on people of color.

1619 -2020 - Let that sink in !