Nice write up oneforthehokies.
Appo is the favorite and they should be, AND they deserve it ! Like you said, maybe they're not use to it, but when you have the kind of year they have had they deserve being number one and the accolades that come with it. But that also makes you the hunted and people will start to talk about your program much more. When your undefeated, other teams want to be the one who knocks you off.
In our part of Virginia we have be the hunted and hated for several years, but we are use to it and I would rather be the hunted any day, it just means you are a winning program.
I've said it several times on here because it is the truth, the Richlands team and fans are going to Appo expecting nothing less that a hard fought game that will take our best effort of the year to have a chance to win.
As I and the other Blues fans have said, we have nothing but respect for this Appo team !
I just hope they are able to get more seats in the