Thoughts and Questions about new realignment - Radford gone, W&L back


VaPreps All District
Jul 30, 2010
Thanks olduvatechmason for posting the numbers for the 2017-18, 2018-19 cycle. (more info is on the VHSL site if desired). A few comments will just reiterate, others may add and maybe pose a question or two for those in the know...

The school changes - Radford, Fort Chiswell, Grundy leave 1A, Washington and Lee returns to 1A.

Major changes are Radford for the West and W&L for the East. Radford has won numerous state titles in various sports (including, I believe, the Wells Fargo Cup for overall academic and athletic excellence). Major opening up for Basketball etc. as they have been a major power.

Washington an Lee will be returning to the East/NND/Conference 43 will add even more power to the 43 (if the conferences are to remain as they are). The NND/43 which often produces many strong teams in most sports year after year.

It is very tough to get out of the NND/43 (to be in the top two teams that advance to regions) in sports such as baseball, softball, volleyball, and boys basketball and soccer etc. It seems some conferences its a shoe in to make regions in some sports.The old NND also often sends all its football teams to the playoffs (12 or 16 teams).

NND Teams by size - 1) W&L 2) Rappahannock 3) Essex (1st time I think Essex has ever been behind Rappahannock in size numbers!) 4) Northumberland 5) Lancaster 6) Rappahannock County 7) Colonial Beach

1A will have 54 schools. 27 in East and West.

1A East will have 17 teams to the Mid East with 10 teams. The number of teams and more importantly the powers in most sports will be often in the Far East. I hope that they make the regions a little more balanced if we are going back to 4 regions. Otherwise, the regions will definitely be unfair in making the state playoffs. Does anyone know how it will work or is it unknown?
To my understanding conferences will dissolve following the upcoming sports year. Playoffs will begin on the regional level with each region determining how many teams qualify and how they qualify.
Essex just graduate an unusually large senior class and when you toss in about a dozen or so Essex kids now attending Rappahannock then you have that jump although Rappahannock must be getting kids from all around because I never recall them having these kinds of figures. Seems to me they have typically been in the 300s.
Wow, Rapp traditionally has been the 2nd smallest school in the District behind Colonial Beach.

Anyone know how the football playoffs will be broke down next year for Conference 43 (or Region)?
Football playoffs will be the same as in the past few years. When the new 2 year cycle begins next fall, it will be up to the regions to determine how many tams qualify. Seedings will continue to be based on VHSL rating. I'm not going to call it a "power" rating to avoid VHSL helper from going off on me.

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