Graham Gmen's Season and the Video


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 24, 2018
What's going on up in Bluefield? I read where Graham players were involved with making some video that might cause season ending suspensions? Also, I read were it was a lot of players involved and not just a couple, and that this could derail Graham's season. Any truth to this stuff?

With the injuries and looming suspensions, I heard Graham may be without as many as 8 to 9 starters against Virginia High. A great team again for Graham that has legit state title aspirations and talent, and this would be a sad way to end it if the rumors are true
The video did happen and it's disgusting. I expect Graham to lose to VA High and Pulaski. We may be playing them with more JV kids than varsity kids. Punishment not decided yet, but a good chance as many as 7 players suspended for the rest of the regular season, but likely back for the playoffs. Add in the injuries and we may have as many as 9 to 10 starters out the remaining 4 games. This will force Graham to travel to Ridgeview in the playoffs and even if all are back for the playoffs, we won't be the same. Too much to overcome to win a title. Kids, think before you act. Going to be playing with a quasi varsity/JV team for the rest of the regular season and possibly all of the playoffs depending on what the punishment is.
The video did happen and it's disgusting. I expect Graham to lose to VA High and Pulaski. We may be playing them with more JV kids than varsity kids. Punishment not decided yet, but a good chance as many as 7 players suspended for the rest of the regular season, but likely back for the playoffs. Add in the injuries and we may have as many as 9 to 10 starters out the remaining 4 games. This will force Graham to travel to Ridgeview in the playoffs and even if all are back for the playoffs, we won't be the same. Too much to overcome to win a title. Kids, think before you act. Going to be playing with a quasi varsity/JV team for the rest of the regular season and possibly all of the playoffs depending on what the punishment is.
The video was taken & posted by a kid not on the team. None of the kids knew it would be posted. (Although they should have considered it could be). The kid that videoed & posted violated school policy. Kids on the video some players some not, although filled with obscenities would not warrant being suspended for the rest of the season. You would hear that stuff walking down any high school hallway on any given day. It’s just not filmed & posted online. Do kids routinely get suspended for 10 days for vulgar or obscene language at school? I don’t think so, most get in school suspension. Yes, it was stupid and kids are dumb. This is getting blown way up in my opinion.
Agree with Gridiron, let's not jump to conclusions.
The video was taken & posted by a kid not on the team. None of the kids knew it would be posted. (Although they should have considered it could be). The kid that videoed & posted violated school policy. Kids on the video some players some not, although filled with obscenities would not warrant being suspended for the rest of the season. You would hear that stuff walking down any high school hallway on any given day. It’s just not filmed & posted online. Do kids routinely get suspended for 10 days for vulgar or obscene language at school? I don’t think so, most get in school suspension. Yes, it was stupid and kids are dumb. This is getting blown way up in my opinion.
In todays world kids can be suspended for a lot of things, especially videos posted on or offline. It’s all about that school image. A local high school around Richmond suspended the beginning of their season because of a “hazing “ incident that got blown out of proportion. They missed like 3 games and a few kids were suspended indefinitely over a video.
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So is Tazewell also going to be punished in some way also?
Thank goodness there was no social media when we were in school. No telling how many state championships would be taken back.
Well on YouTube there’s videos of Radford students in 1991. A total of 8 of them. We acted like we had some sense. They are a by product of the community. No excuse for actions and kids will be kids garbage.
Well on YouTube there’s videos of Radford students in 1991. A total of 8 of them. We acted like we had some sense. They are a by product of the community. No excuse for actions and kids will be kids garbage.
I graduated in 1992. There was no such thing as YouTube or Internet when I graduated. We were still using old Beta Run/Prompt commands then. You about decade behind any of these things so don't see how that's possible.
I graduated in 1992. There was no such thing as YouTube or Internet when I graduated. We were still using old Beta Run/Prompt commands then. You about decade behind any of these things so don't see how that's possible.
Look it up. You ever heard of a camcorder?? Type Radford High School 1991 and there’s a series of videos
In todays world kids can be suspended for a lot of things, especially videos posted on or offline. It’s all about that school image. A local high school around Richmond suspended the beginning of their season because of a “hazing “ incident that got blown out of proportion. They missed like 3 games and a few kids were suspended indefinitely over a video.
Those kids shoved a broomstick up another kids a**. I don't think that was blown out of proportion bud
Well on YouTube there’s videos of Radford students in 1991. A total of 8 of them. We acted like we had some sense. They are a by product of the community. No excuse for actions and kids will be kids garbage.

You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror, as you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you?
Where is the video? I'd like to see it
Search TiKToc, there’s ton like it. It was apparently a TiKToc challenge. Kids are just stupid but T the end of the day, they are still kids. Unfortunately, there are adults in the county that want them nailed to the wall, no mercy. Not defending the video but good grief. The morality police are out in full force. Hopefully, it a life lesson and they move on with clearer heads and realize these antics have repercussions that affect more than just them.
Search TiKToc, there’s ton like it. It was apparently a TiKToc challenge. Kids are just stupid but T the end of the day, they are still kids. Unfortunately, there are adults in the county that want them nailed to the wall, no mercy. Not defending the video but good grief. The morality police are out in full force. Hopefully, it a life lesson and they move on with clearer heads and realize these antics have repercussions that affect more than just them.
Punishment that is reasonable and not over the top should be given. Re-education of the kids on social media ignorance/importance, learn from it, regroup and move on.
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The GMen will likely have 10 day school suspensions and a game or 2 missed by those involved. With this issue and the injuries, Graham may walk into the playoffs at 8-2 with losses to VA High and Pulaski. Don't let that fool you. An 8-2 record for Graham for those not familiar with the situation will be deceiving. We'll be better than that record, if we do lose to VaHigh and Pulaski.
Those kids shoved a broomstick up another kids a**. I don't think that was blown out of proportion bud
That was hear say. No it wasn’t. Poked someone’s butt through their pants possibly but not shoved up someone’s butt
That was hear say. No it wasn’t. Poked someone’s butt through their pants possibly but not shoved up someone’s butt
Was going on what 2 parents who have kids on the team told me. Seemed like there had been hazing issues stemming back as far as 4 years there though. Yes, kids will be kids, but actions also have consequences as well. I'm about as old school of a coach as you'll find, but I have zero tolerance for bullying, hazing etc, of any kind.
Was going on what 2 parents who have kids on the team told me. Seemed like there had been hazing issues stemming back as far as 4 years there though. Yes, kids will be kids, but actions also have consequences as well. I'm about as old school of a coach as you'll find, but I have zero tolerance for bullying, hazing etc, of any kind.
Well said KW. Well said man.
I read it but don't post on the swva board like some of you do but this gman guy seems like a real douche
I read it but don't post on the swva board like some of you do but this gman guy seems like a real douche
Just curious why you would say that? He let that thread go on for a while and it wasnt going anywhere except to have people read and react to the discussion. . I am surprised it went on as long as it did.
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Just curious why you would say that? He let that thread go on for a while and it wasnt going anywhere except to have people read and react to the discussion. . I am surprised it went on as long as it did.
Just by some if his previous posts on there...acts like he's some bad ass but I know who the guy is and trust me he's far from it...I couldn't post there...I would call him out and he would ban me no point signing up
Just by some if his previous posts on there...acts like he's some bad ass but I know who the guy is and trust me he's far from it...I couldn't post there...I would call him out and he would ban me no point signing up
I haven't posted there in years. I was banned for calling him out. He's a prick and not well liked in town. I went to school with him and his family is good folks, but he's always had the chip of arrogance and narcissism that his family didn't have. It's just him.
I haven't posted there in years. I was banned for calling him out. He's a prick and not well liked in town. I went to school with him and his family is good folks, but he's always had the chip of arrogance and narcissism that his family didn't have. It's just him.
Yeah he seems like a joke...acts like he's a bad ass cause he runs a message board...that uva guy is a prick too from what I see
Yeah he seems like a joke...acts like he's a bad ass cause he runs a message board...that uva guy is a prick too from what I see
He's the type of guy that runs a message board because he loves to feel the power and control that comes with it. He created it 1st-foremost for that reason and luv of football 2nd. He's really that arrogant or narcissistic. I don't know the UVA guy. I stay away from there.
I don’t know either guy mentioned but the thread was not accomplishing anything so I was glad it was shut down. In fairness we have had a few on this site that have gone a little overboard and gotten their hands slapped. It’s kinda the nature of the discussion board arena but personal attacks that continue are a line that I am glad most moderators won’t let slide for long. In the end most everyone that comes on here and posts truly loves the sport and just likes to talk a little trash from time to time. I have met several really good people through this site at playoff games over the years.
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Sounds like some people on this board got bounced from my board at one time or another. Truth is, I hadn't been on the board much this year. Someone called it to my attention that it was getting out of hand, so I stopped it. Stopped a couple of other posts too. I don't let people act that way on my board, as they let some of you do here. I don't put up with foolishness, that's why some of you are calling me out here. That's OK, I'm a big boy, I can take. But it won't happen at my place...
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Sounds like some people on this board got bounced from my board at one time or another. Truth is, I hadn't been on the board much this year. Someone called it to my attention that it was getting out of hand, so I stopped it. Stopped a couple of other posts too. I don't let people act that way on my board, as they let some of you do here. I don't put up with foolishness, that's why some of you are calling me out here. That's OK, I'm a big boy, I can take. But it won't happen at my place...
You have a great board. Although, I will say there are some long time regulars on there that are very arrogant. They tend to dish it out on a regular basis but when they get called out they get their feelings hurt and call for you to ban people. Definitely a click. That's why several no longer frequent that board. Just my two cents. Not that you care or should care. Have a great day Gman!
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You have a great board. Although, I will say there are some long time regulars on there that are very arrogant. They tend to dish it out on a regular basis but when they get called out they get their feelings hurt and call for you to ban people. Definitely a click. That's why several no longer frequent that board. Just my two cents. Not that you care or should care. Have a great day Gman!
No doubt about the arrogant part...a couple in particular
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