Varina not the Varina of old

Aug 11, 2013
For seven years Varinas football program has been on a decline they have lost that winning tradittion. It takes HARD WORK to be a Champion that no longer exist.To much favoritism and politics going on.I will say Varina is playing freshman a tthe corner positions,kickoff return,defensive line,and offensive back, the offensive line is being push around like tissue paper ( come on man) Varina will be hard to beat the next three year if handle wright, Stop the favoritism and politics and put the best players on the field.
Your problem is

the kids from the city are "staying" in the city. Dont look for it to change as Armstrong, Henrico, and TJ (to some extent) keep progressing.
Re: Your problem is

Hmmm, I went to Varina from 98-02 where they were nationally ranked and I don't recall a single significant contributor from the city. Most of the guys lived within a couple miles from the school.
you speak on 12 yrs ago

sat with some city coaches when you guys played Forest Park last year and they pointed out several players from within the "city limits" .
Re: you speak on 12 yrs ago

Yes, because that's when Varina was at its speak. Which players from last years team aren't on this years team? since apparently the demise of Varina started this fall...

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